Saturday, June 13, 2009

General Thoughts

While spending time with the other family we have come up with a few you might be in Russia if’s.

If Riley (other families 4 year old) asks why her bathwater is green.

If Wrangler jeans cost $130 and is the high end brand to buy. (Stephanie tried on a pair and noticed that they were 4,000 rubles and she asked at the hotel about the price. The receptionist told her in a serious voice,” if she wanted the Wrangler brand she was going to have to pay for it.” )

Every time you ask for water, you have to specify, “no gas.” (carbonated water is big here.)

If you notice that all berries seemed to be called forest fruit. (I do have some really good forest fruit tea)

P’s are R’s B’s are V’s and H’s are N’s. (such a complex alphabet puzzle)

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